The Website

Digital Ministry is more than having a web presence or website. It is about using the Internet and Social Media tools of the 21st century to enhance and expand the church’s ministry, to reach out into the world, Digital Outreach (DO).

How will the website, along with the Social Media platforms, DO through engagement:

    • First and foremost, welcome in all who visit (Features that welcome guests to the congregation: area map, driving directions, photo of the church, building map, frequently asked questions, nursery information, links to information about the community – Provide a “Directory of Services” or a “Business Guide” – this should increase our website traffic and gain exposure to other ministries/businesses).

    • Share worship times, upcoming outreach events and other opportunities, and an invitation of welcome.

    • Provide glimpses into the worship life of the congregation through super-short stories, images, super-brief testimonials, etc.
    • Distribute encouraging and inspirational quotes and images, offering something for guests and members to “take away”.
    • Present resources and information which may be of help to guests and members for faith questions, etc.
    • Distribute links for live streaming/videos.
    • Share opportunities for Online Giving.

    • Include registration forms for VBS and other events requiring registration.
    • Provide a means to submit prayer requests and/or faith/theological questions.

    • Serve as a hub from which guests and members can access your Social Media platforms.

Target audience: All ages, all people