How Journey Begun Media does its thing:
- Meet with organization leaders to identify their needs
- Determine technical requirements, if any
- Communicate regularly with organization leaders to update them on changes and provide basic insights
- Test the website to ensure it is working
- Maintain the web domain and hosting registrations, updates, and information
- Post continual daily and/or weekly updates of the website content, Facebook content, Twitter content, Instagram content, etc.
- Employ different content management systems
- Work to maintain relevant legal requirements such as accessibility standards, freedom of information, and privacy
- Provide technical support in the event the church desires to manage the website on its own
- Build a cohesive, impactful, and engaging presence in digital space
- Design webpage
- Create, write, and edit content for the church
- Establish website elements of Online Giving
- In order for platform algorithms to show your posts to a wider audience, the congregation members who are on social media need to share and/or engage with the content
- Work with graphics, animations and manipulating digital photographs. For this, the church will provide:
- Regular images from worship and other church events
- Quotes from the week’s sermon
- Video files to be used in creating minute-length sermon or event highlights